Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What's on our bookshelf? Goodnight Gorilla
This book, Goodnight Gorilla (by Peggy Rathmann), has been a FAVORITE of Shrade's since he was an infant. I first found this book as a video and watched it and thought it was so cute. So I read the book to my son and made up little sounds of the animals walking and he thought it was a hoot. It has only a few words, mainly the animals names and Good Night. It's quite humorous too. A zookeeper says "good night" to several animals. Meanwhile the gorilla has stolen his keys and unlocking all the cages so all the animals eventually follow the zookeeper to his house. I want you to read the book to find out the ending though! And my mom found this stuffed animal that looks like the main character and we have named it "Goodnight Gorilla."
I love this book so much! An excellent choice.