
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Music Notes: Nancy Stewart- Plant a Little Seed

Recently I went to the library and found this cute little book and CD by Nancy Stewart.  I was so thrilled when I listened to it and my son started picking up on some of the words and sounds that Nancy made during her singing.  I was equally thrilled to know she is a local performer here in the Seattle area where I live.  This book and CD has great songs for children ages 2-5 with ideas for flannelgraph and other props.  The songs are very catchy and easy to memorize so you can sing them anywhere and your child can learn.  One of my favorite song is Lots of Cars.  My son loves cars and it helps me teach colors to him as well as learning that cars can go beep, beep, beep.

If you visit Nancy's website she has a bunch of other great material that you will want to check out.  I know I will.

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