
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wobble Over Wednesday/Moms Reviews 4 You Weekly Blog Hop


Hey, it's Wobble Over Wednesday at My Life With Rats and Moms Reviews 4 You Weekly Blog Hop.  Welcome to Milk N' Honey Learn and Grow.  I'm a retired Kindergarten teacher and now a mom of an active 1.5 year old.  Journey with me as I learn all about teaching little ones.  I have lots of fun with posts:
*Monday Shareday- Link up to share any posts/giveaways
*Tuesday- Cooking/Music Notes
*Wednesday- What's on our Bookshelf?
*Thursday- Learning Activity
*Friday- Free and Fun Activity

I'm always open to have guest posts too so drop me an email if you want to guest post sometime:

I look forward to reading and exploring your blog.  Be sure to leave a link so I can follow you back.
PS.  I have an upcoming review/giveaway week for handmade items for children in September.  Be sure to check my box in the upper right hand corner for more details, especially if you want to contribute.  Thanks!
Have a great day, Shonda
Don't forget my current LOW comment giveaway: *Time Out to Rock CD ends 8/25


  1. Hi! I'm following you back from Tanja's Cupcakes.

    Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for visiting me. I am following you back.


Welcome to Milk N' Honey! I welcome any comments or suggestions. Have a great day learning and growing.