
Monday, May 2, 2011

Brightly Beaming Resources: Week #9- Cookies

This week we talked about COOKIES!  We actually don't let Shrade eat a lot of cookies so this is a treat for him.  We had fun doing an activity with finding cookie cutters around the room and matching them to their traced images.  We also did a lot of cooking this week.  Shrade really likes mixing and scooping the dough on to the pan.

Books we read:
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?Maisy Makes GingerbreadGingerbread BabyIf You Give a Mouse a Cookie (If You Give...)

''C'' Is For Cookie


  1. We will be doing the letter C next. I love the idea of matching cookie cutters to their traced images. I thinks my daughter would love it. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I will be doing the letter C next. I love the cookie cutter idea. I think my daughter will love it. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Cookies is not only for Children it for all. i Like Choco Chips Cookies. In my point of view Chocochips Cookies is Best in All.


Welcome to Milk N' Honey! I welcome any comments or suggestions. Have a great day learning and growing.