
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Learning Activity: Melissa and Doug See-Inside Alphabet Peg Puzzle

Melissa & Doug See-Inside Alphabet Peg Puzzle

I'm trying to think of ways to keep my son busy and learning while holding a fussy baby!  The other day I got out this puzzle that was given to us by a neighbor.  I gave Shrade a letter and thought of something in the house that started with that letter and he had to put the letter on that object.  I thought of a lot of things in our house that begin with the letters of the alphabet.  I emphasized the sound at the beginning of each word.  He also had a workout running around putting letters all over the house.  When we were done he had to go collect them all so he had to recall what started with each letter.  It was fun!

Also, after all letters were back in the puzzle I had him take the letters out that were green, then blue, then yellow and so on.  It was good visual coordination for him to do this.

These were just a few simple things that I did with this puzzle. 

1 comment:

Welcome to Milk N' Honey! I welcome any comments or suggestions. Have a great day learning and growing.