
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Warrior Prayers: Day 1 (Heart Change)

Hello Warrior Prayers Challenge members!

Today is our first day of this prayer challenge and we will start with Heart Change (p.40) as directed by the Leader's Guide.

From Brooke: The most foundational thing we can ask God for in the lives of our sons is heart change.  The Word says that what's in the heart eventually comes out.  Bad stuff in the heart?  Bad stuff comes out.  Good stuff in the heart?  Good stuff comes out.

"The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for our of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

Today, pray the 10 prayers for Heart Change: (here are some ideas)
*Get up early to bathe your sons in prayer first thing in the morning.
*Pray the prayers one at a time throughout the day.
*Make prayers a part of the family devotion time, praying the prayers out loud over your sons.
*Spend some time in concentrated prayer late at night around bedtime.

Be sure to read pages 6-12 in the Warrior Prayers Ebook.

Consider this: What comes out of your heart when you get hit?  Our response matters to God and it matters to the people watching and learning from us along the way.

Here is a question to consider for discussion in the comments below:
*How have you prayed for your son(s) in the past?  Is the idea of praying the Word of God for them new to you?  If so, how do you think it will change the way you pray for your son(s)?

(I must admit, the first time I did this challenge I fizzled because I had no accountability.  So this summer when I saw that they needed leaders, God laid it on my heart to be a leader.  I felt like my plate was already full, but praying for my son is such a high priority so I followed God's leading.  Looking forward to 21 solid days of being in prayer for our sons.)

Tomorrow (9/7) we pray for Obedience (page 13).


  1. Shonda,

    Thank you so much for leading us. I have to admit that I am very intimidated by this journey. I know that it is something that I need to do and it's also something that I want to do!

    Day 1, here I come!


  2. I also fizzled out last time, so hopefully I will make it through this time! It is so important for us to pray over our children and I am so thankful for this opportunity to share this journey with you and everyone else participating!

  3. It's things like this heart change section that remind me how overwhelming this task of raising my son to become a godly man is, especially in today's world. Thank goodness we're not alone in it!

  4. I've had the ebook for a few months now, but I've always fizzled out and never had anyone to pray with. I'm also thankful for the accountability here. :)

  5. The start of the challenge came on a good day for me. It was such a HARD day at home with my little guys! Discipline and Consistency were in order today. But you know, when I decided to take a moment to pray the verses out loud over/to the boys, they were quiet! It was like they were really taking it in (they're only 3 & almost 2). I need to pray for them so much more! I'm in the middle of a couple of big projects right now, but am wanting to develop and plan my days and evenings better (aka naptime and bedtime for the kids). :)

  6. I have prayed for my son before with Scripture, but not with much intensity. I love this book that has 10 verse prayers for each day! This needs to be a consistent daily habit for me. I know that is what God wants me to do for my son that he gave to me.

  7. A friend of mine has just recently prayed over me with scripture and it was truly amazing. I am looking forward to this journey. I have been sick all day and on the couch, my little guy went with my mom and my "big" guy is here with me so I will be praying all 10 scriptures over him at bedtime tonight. God has given us His word for guidance and as the template for living our lives in accordance with His will, I can only imagine the power of placing my son's names into the scripture passages that our Lord first gave us.

  8. Hi ladies, I had a rough evening with my son (2.5 years old). He's started throwing major tantrums and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if he's just being 2. Good thing tomorrow we're praying about obedience... please pray for Jonathan with me. Amanda

  9. Amanda- No, my 2.5 son throws tantrums a lot lately. I feel like I'm doing something wrong and everyone says he is just being 2. It is very frustrating especially in public. He was not like this 6 months ago. As much I review with him the correct responses, he still throws his tantrums. Praying for you and Jonathan!

  10. When my son was a baby, I used to pray over him while I rocked him to sleep. Now, since getting him to go to sleep on his own without me, I pray over him after he's fallen asleep and I creep into his room and sit on his bed. I like to pray scriptures over him, for they will not return void... but this is something I need to keep doing, for there are at times when I just get too tired or think I have other things that need to get done and then the next day just doesn't turn out good. Praying really helps for the sleep and for the next day to go smoothly! :)

  11. That's great, Rebekah! Your son is blessed to have a mom who prays for him like that!


Welcome to Milk N' Honey! I welcome any comments or suggestions. Have a great day learning and growing.