
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Highlights from Letter B Lesson Preschool (age 3)

Here we have embarked on our second preschool lesson.  We started this in July and then things got really busy so we are finishing it now in August.  I am having so much fun finding great crafts, books and activities for each letter of the alphabet.  It's exhausting, but worth it.  So join us as we explore letter B.

Bible verse for the month: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God."  Matthew 5:9
from Raising Rock Stars Preschool

Corduroy Story Bag

I used this idea for creating a story bag for the Corduroy book.  I chose several objects from the story and put them in a bag.  Before reading the story we took each thing out and identified it.  Then during the story we again talked about the objects that we had that were in the story and last of all we re-told the story using the objects.  I also had some flashcards from Homeschool Creations that went along with the book.
Sorting buttons
We did many of the activities from The Activity Mom using these buttons:

B is for bear
Throwing beanbags
B is for beaver
Sorting and graphing gummy bears
B is for bug.  Daddy and Shrade even found a whole bunch of bugs!
Playdough balls for B
"Reading" books
b is for boat
Oh, my goodness, I wish I could write all that we did, but I'll have to let the pictures tell you the story.  It's been fun doing preschool at home although it takes a lot of planning work for me!  I'm trying to figure out an easy way to do it.  Hopefully by December I will have it down.  All of my printables and ideas come from my Pinterest board, so check it out.

Here is my Pinterest Board for Letter B.

Books we enjoyed:

Be sure to look at my lesson plans to see how I incorporate 10 areas of learning!

Letter B Lesson Plans

No Time For Flash Cards


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Welcome to Milk N' Honey! I welcome any comments or suggestions. Have a great day learning and growing.