Every year I want to focus on Jesus during the Christmas season and last year I used Truth in the Tinsel as part of my focus along with a different Christmas book everyday that I read. This year, I am going to be a bit more simple and just use Truth in the Tinsel along with the printables that my son can color each day. And I will probably choose some crafts that I didn't do last year.
What are you going to do with your kids to keep them focused on Jesus at Christmas? Right now, you can get Truth in the Tinsel for 20% off using my coupon code at the bottom. Hurry, the coupon code only lasts for a little while longer!!
Get Truth in the Tinsel today
Coupon Code for 20% off: MILKNHONEY
Truth in the Tinsel is also available in Spanish.
We did this set of activities last year and loved them.