The Happy Mommy Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide on Keeping Your Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy, Out of Trouble and Motivated to Learn
How many times have I started my day off with good intentions to engage my son and wind up just telling him to run off and play? Katie and Susan's book helped me to see that purposeful play with my son is possible with just a few common items found in my home and a heart willing to take time to play with him in a meaningful way. And in this way, I can accomplish a few things I need to do while my son is engrossed in a fun activity that is helping him to learn. I was thrilled with the variety of simple things I can do to create a much better environment for my son who is really interested in more than being sent off to play in his room. Katie and Susan designed this book as a way to keep kids "busy" with learning activities that are playful. Moms, you can provide a loving and active day for preschoolers and be able to accomplish things you need to do. I am so glad to have this book to reference throughout my day. My son will be a much happier boy and I know I will be a happy mommy because my son will have had a full day playing and learning. I highly recommend this book to every preschool mom!
*This product was provided to me free of charge for purpose of this
review. This is my honest opinion of this book and no monetary
compensation was received for my opinion.*
Read my REVIEW of Susan's other book: Kindergarten: Tattle-Tales, Tools, Tactics, Triumphs and Tasty Treats for Teachers and Parents
Check out the author's blogs:
Susan Case- Kindergarten and Preschool for Teachers and Parents
Katie Norris- Mommy with Selective Memory
Buy it: The Happy Mommy Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide on Keeping Your Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy, Out of Trouble and Motivated to Learn
Win it: You can enter to win The Happy Mommy Handbook in either trade paperback (print copy), Kindle or Nook. I will contact the winner for what option they prefer. Giveaway ends Sunday, August 19.
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Trying this again! Thanks so much for this giveaway! I would love to get my hands on this book... with twin 3 year old boys, making education fun is a huge desire (and sometimes struggle) of mine. I am always looking for tips however I can. Thanks again for the opportunity to win this!
I would love to win this!!! I REALLY could use simple ideas that would keep kids engaged and yet learning. I also like how it notes I could get a little accomplished too, that's always a plus:)
I would LOVE this book. You described me perfectly in your review - good intentions to make everyday meaningful and full of learning through play, but I run out of ideas!
This would be a great book for my 3 1/2 year old and 1 year old. So looking forward to this book
I need this book, because my husband is deploying and I will be staying at home with my son.
I just quit my job to become a stay-at-home mom for my 2-year-old. I can't believe how little time I actually spend with him due to other responsibilities! I'd love to be able to help him learn and play while I finish up a chore or two ... Hurray!
this would be a great ref. book for my daughter whos a new mommy
I LIKE U on FB Birdie Skolfield
I could really use this book...I've said that phrase "go play" way too many times. I would also lend it to my friend who's son is my son's best friend and still hasn't learned how to play and is very clingy. We would both be grateful!
I would like help with playing with my children and having them feel more loved and fulfilled so that when I do have to help an older child the younger ones are content.
My baby Amie is turning 1 year old next month! I am really excited for this coming year and would love to win this book so i can try out all the tips and playing ideas with her and my hubby. Our pastor at the Christian lighthouse center once said "families who play together stay together" and that is what i want us to do :)
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